Monday, October 10, 2011

Humbled. Thank you!

Before delving into ideas that I have for my next post, I have to say that I am deeply humbled and moved by the thoughtful, personal and positive feedback I have gotten about this blog.  Many of you who read this regularly have contacted me directly and shared your response to several posts.  It may sound cliche to say "You are what keep me going..." But it is SOOO true.  Otherwise, I get bored when I feel like I'm just talking to myself here.  I'd probably keep doing it as this is my space for keeping my own self focused on what is inspiring, moving and important.  But I have to say hearing from you and how my words, thoughts, ideas and experiences have touched you or helped you gives me such a deep level of inspiration.

Thank you!

Breathe. Smile. Inspire. Love. Give Thanks!

The picture for this post is from Arvind Balaraman's profile on Free Digital Photos.


Mira Mokhat said...

It's nice to know there's someone else out there going through the same things...and especially nice that she's family :-)

Jyoti Kaneria said...

Thanks Mira!! I LOVE that what I have to say speaks to you! Thanks so much for your support!!!